
By Teri Lynn

Feature Blog

You don't have a weight problem, you have a weight "symptom".

Everyone wants someone or something to blame, eh? What we have is cause and effect confusion.

Let’s get it said right away. Every woman who is dissatisfied with her extra pounds hates the “skinny bitch”.

Detox protocol

Daily Detox Protocol anyone can do!

September 27, 20247 min read

Daily Detox Protocol Made Easy

daily detox

I get it, you don't know what to do. You've been bombarded with so many conflicting ideas that now you just don't want to do anything.

What I have curated over the last 20 years in the "detox" world is enough to make anyone dizzy. And I've done almost all of it. Where I'm at now is comparatively simple and worth a look, in my opinion. There's a lot you CAN do, and really, the more you do that is not overlapping or conflicting, the better. We need all the help we can get.

In this blog I am addressing physical detoxification support and cleansing, as opposed to the mind/psyche aspect. That is a whole 'nother blog. Additionally, these protocols have in mind the worst everyday environmental toxins that are in ALL of us, like heavy metals, pesticides/herbicides/fungicides (which also CONTAIN heavy metals) and micro plastics. I'm focusing on basic practices that can and should be done regularly, meaning almost daily, or weekly.


If you are the kind that fancies data, like me, I'd suggest getting a hair mineral tissue analysis test (HMTA) before starting a regimen so you have a baseline. Most testing labs, however, are not up to par. There are only a few that do it right by not washing off the strands before testing, causing a skewed result of a couple key minerals. "Will" in the UK is the man I would suggest going through and he does testing for anyone in the world. He knows what he's doing and can offer guidance after if you wish.


With that said, we need to capture as many of these toxins as possible and get them out without doing damage. Chelating agents like herbs, clays, charcoal and lab created drugs bind weakly, meaning it may drop what it grabbed before it successfully leaves the body. That is called "retox". This is not to say I don't advocate for some of these tools but they are not my go-to, in general. They have a place and can be add-ons to the more powerful solutions.

Zeolites are known as the master binder and if you read my blog about MasterPeace I go into why a nano sized zeolite is much needed right now. Zeolites are the mainstay of chelation and since they are 100% in-digestible they can act as an effective broom that will not drop the poison. I advise a specific liquid nano sized zeolite that has a base of sea plasma and is formulated with just the right electrical charge to go deeply into the body. I also advise a powdered zeolite to mop up macro sized toxins in the gut specifically. The cleanest sourced powder is in the formula I list below. 20% of the zeolite will not pass the gut wall so it will help to alkalinize and clean out the intestines.

Remineralization and PH

We also need to REMINERALIZE. That is SO important and likely why so many get "detox" symptoms while using zeolite. Your body goes into an acute lack of homeostasis which can be mitigated by going at a pace that is comfortable. What helps that pace be much quicker is giving yourself what you need to balance your minerals and correct an overly acidic PH.


Because acidic poisons are taking up precious space in and around cells. In the case of heavy metals they are bullies and will push out a healthy mineral or occupy an already empty space where one should be and then not want to leave. They will try to do the job of the health mineral! When it is chelated out you need the proper mineral to replace it, and quick. There are 4 macro minerals especially needed during a heavy metal cleanse and they are:

  • Magnesium

  • Calcium

  • Potassium

  • Sodium

And guess what? The above 4 happen to be the ones that will alkalinize your body the best. Poisons are acidic and so you are walking around in a chronic acidic state wondering why everything hurts, your digestion is off, you have brain fog, mood issues, diabetes, poor sleep, rapid aging etc etc. If you are full of poison your body will be lack luster or down right ill. Those 4 minerals need to be at the forefront of your daily supplemental intake. And I definitely have my favorite sources.

The fact is, size DOES matter. In this case we want teeny tiny. If your minerals are not coming from a bio-available source, it will be far more likely to just go through you. You can't absorb big pieces of anything. Ever get the laxative effect from magnesium?

There's a very simple source to get the first 3 above minerals in a pico meter size, which translates to 100% absorbable nutrition. No waste unless you use way too much. The products I recommend are: Remag, Recalcia and Pico Potassium from Dr. Carolyn Dean. For a 10% discount use this link:

The 4th mineral is best ingested with pure clean sources of salt. I say "clean" because these are notorious for containing heavy metals and micro plastics. For an article that did testing on salts and has a list of the safest go to: I also highly suggest adding sodium bi-carbonate (baking soda) into your daily routine to get the burden off your body to alkalinize. The stomach works hard to do this job, it's the main organ for alkalization. Since it's been proven that we are all poisoned, it's the most efficient, low cost way to correct PH. A teaspoon a day in your morning glass of water (you ARE drinking water in the morning, right??) will do wonders.

Trace minerals and organic ancient co-factors

We need far more nutrition than we think and is possible to get even if you're eating organic plants and/or pastured animals. It's just not in the soil anymore. And our soil is exposed to what is being sprayed from the sky and what is in the water. It's inescapable.


There is a source that has become more widespread in the last 15 years. It's ancient, organic, raw, 100% bioavailable, farthest from GMO you can get and sustainable. It's one of the earths first food and sits at the bottom of the food chain. Phytoplankton is the grass of the sea. They are teeny tiny microscopic plants that can be grown in bio-reactors away from modern day toxins. And they are chock full of trace minerals and goodness. They'de have to be since they are responsible for feeding life at the beginning.

I have put together a dual combination of the most beneficial strains for human consumption. Just 1/8 t once or twice a day far exceeds what you are trying to get from vegetables. One strain is patented and contains the highest amount of the anti-oxidant SOD than any other source on earth. It's backed by millions of dollars in studies. These anti-oxidants fight the damage done by the poisons I have been referencing. See:

The protocol

  • Remag - daily

  • Recalcia - daily or a few days a week

  • Pico Potassium - daily

  • Whole Salt - daily

  • Baking soda - daily

  • MasterPeace Nano Zeolite - daily as tolerated

  • MasterResore Powdered Zeolite - daily or a few days a week

  • PhytoFuel - daily

The above protocol in no way covers everything you can do to maintain a detox regimen. But it is a solid foundation to cover major aspects and is SO easy. While doing this protocol your elimination pathways must be open and functioning for you to release what is coming out. This is key. That means hydrating with enough clean water, having regular bowel movements, deep full breathing and sweating.

Can you do more? Absolutely.

Additional Supports

Flushing your liver, which the vast majority of people won't do, will make your body function a lot better. See my article on why this is.

One really easy thing to do, however, is weekly detox baths. Your skin can absorb a lot and utilizing this method can help to alkalinize your body and draw out toxins. Use any combination of the below:


Baking Soda

Sea Salt

Epsom Salts and/or Magnesium Flakes

I usually add about 1/2 cup of the first 3 and 2 cups of Epsom Salts. Make sure the water is not so hot that you are sweating a lot. You want your skin to absorb, not just release.

So, there you have it! My go-to top things to do that will go a long way on your journey to better health. For more information see my other blog posts on health topics and/or join my TeleGram channel for up- to-date information and other protocols I'm experimenting with.

~Teri Lynn ~

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