
Individualized Mentoring

Get personalized attention to meet your goals more quickly.

Group Mentoring

Hire me for your business or organization for a one-time presentation or sort to long term support.

Targeted Cleanses

I develop various programs designed to detoxify and nourish body, mind and spirit. Individual and group programs are available.

I am a certified Eating Psychology & Holistic Nutrition Coach finishing coursework with the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, the world's leading school in Nutritional Psychology. In IPE's internationally acclaimed program, I learned the powerful cutting edge tools and protocols that enable me to work with weight issues, body image challenges, overeating, bingeing and a variety of nutrition related health concerns such as digestion, fatigue and mood. My work combines the powerful new fields of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind-Body Nutrition. The skills I use are a combination of practical coaching techniques, results-oriented psychology, holistic detoxification and nutrition, mind-body science and a positive compassionate approach to challenges with health and food.

I use a unique combination of strategies from nutrition science, eating psychology, detoxification principles and self awareness. By eliminating the "shoulds and shouldn'ts", I focus on what's right for YOU. My style is meeting my clients where they are and proceeding with a good-better-best mentality. Through strategies that nourish, together we explore health issues as a doorway meant to teach instead of seeing challenges as the enemy. I am especially adept at goal setting and through client interaction I help identify a client's specific needs and wants and then together we formulate a plan. We set short and long term goals and tweak the path along the way.

Let me know HERE you'de like a free 20 min consultation to see if we are a good match.