
Premium nano zeolite nutraceutical

MasterPeace is a patent pending nano zeolite called "Zeolite Z" combined with Premium Marine Plasma. It is triple structured and energetically infused, having a millivolt charge and PH identical to interstitial fluids attaining 100% assimilation. Now clinically proven to remove Graphene Oxide and other forever chemicals.

Click here for an interview I did explaining the product.

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Zeolite is a natural mineral that can clear out the ‘toxic garbage’ we are all exposed to. All disease and health problems are rooted in toxicity (mind/body/psyche) and lack of utilized nutrition (mind/body/psyche). Even if you are nourishing yourself with the best food and supplements, physical toxicity can prevent that from being absorbed properly. Mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, pesticides, herbicides, mycotoxins and volatile organic compounds just scratch the surface of what our bodies have to fight against daily. By some estimates, we are exposed to over 80,000 chemicals in our daily lives just from the food we eat, water we drink, and air we breathe. These toxins build up in our bodies and can affect our sleep, memory, digestion, concentration, weight, and inflammation levels, to name a few.

There is a natural mineral, created through a reaction of volcanic ash and seawater, that can eliminate toxins from the body, down to the cellular level. Its negative-charge and honeycomb shape acts as a natural chelator, binding to positively-charged toxins and ushering them out of the body, quickly and effectively.

Zeolite Clinoptilolite: The Miracle Mineral for Detox

If you’ve heard of the Zeolite Clinoptilolite, it’s because this type of zeolite has been widely studied for its ability to: flush heavy metals from the body, including toxic lead and mercury, protect kidney function by clearing toxins, protect against leaky gut by strengthening the intestinal wall and much more. The detoxification and health benefits of zeolite are astounding. It’s hundreds of times more effective than activated charcoal, a commonly known and used binder that can cleanse the gut but comes with side effects such as binding to compounds our body needs. Nano sized zeolites bind to toxins throughout the whole body and has an affinity for toxins only, so it never removes beneficial minerals, and there are no negative side effects.

Warning: Most Zeolite Products Do Not Work As Advertised

The problem is, most zeolite products are not capable of cleansing at the cellular level. To go beyond the gut and reach the cells for a deep detox, the zeolite must be nano sized. When it IS and suspended in water molecule clusters, in terms of it's particle size, this natural detoxifier can travel anywhere we have water in the body, which is everywhere! The surface area of the zeolite particles creates a vast filter that mops up toxins within hours. But to take out heavy metals and other toxins, the zeolite must also be cleansed and pre-filled with alkalizing minerals. Why? When mined, zeolite comes filled with environmental pollutants because that’s what zeolites are good at in nature – absorbing toxins.

However, if a zeolite is already filled with toxins, it can’t take any more from your body. That’s one reason why some zeolites sold today don’t work.

MasterPeace uses zeolite from a dedicated mine that uses very strict guideline resulting in it being extremely clean. This means it more effectively removes toxins. This, coupled with the nano sizing technology which yields the largest particle range size available, makes Zeolite Z truly unique. This patent pending zeolite is then put in a base of nutrient dense alkalizing marine plasma. This allows it to displace a heavy metal or other toxin with 92 minerals in a perfect ratio. MasterPeace has also been infused-embedded with: Bio-Photonics, Terahertz, Magnetism, and Crystalline/Orgone/Scalar/Aether energy.

Nanosized Clinoptilolite

This zeolite uses nanosized Clinoptilolite to access toxins everywhere in the body. These particles are so small they are invisible to the naked eye and need to be magnified thousand-fold. And it’s backed up by the gold standard in instrumentation – Malvern particle size testing.